Modern Temples

The purpose of temples today is the same as that of old. The temples built during biblical times, the temples built during the early days of the church, and the temples that are built today serve the same purpose: to unite and bind the family of God and to individually bring us closer to Jesus Christ. Everything that happens inside temples is sacred and holy, thus, some of the things that occur inside the temple are not openly shared and talk about outside of it. God invites all of His children to enter the temple and to learn of Him. No worthy man or woman would be denied the blessings that are found within the walls of the temple. “…if families were not sealed in holy temples, the whole earth would be utterly wasted. The purposes of the Creation, the Fall, and the Atonement all converge on the sacred work done in temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The earth was created and the Church was restored to make possible the sealing of wife to husband, children to parents, families to progenitors, worlds without end. This is the great latter-day work of which we are a part. That is why we have missionaries; that is why we have temples—to bring the fullest blessings of the Atonement to faithful children of God.”

Tijuana Mexico Temple, built in 2015

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has created wonderful resources to appropriately explain what goes on inside of temples. A good place to begin learning about it is here . Other valuable resources to help give more insight can be found here , here , and here .